Posted by: mystic444 | August 3, 2015

Dishonest Christians who say the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality

About two weeks ago, the Huffington Post published an article by a Christian pastor named Adam Phillips entitled The Bible Does Not Condemn Homosexuality. Why Does Franklin Graham Not Get This?. The character and quality of the arguments in this article are evident by the very first sentence: “The word “homosexuality” didn’t even show up in English translations of the Bible until 1946, so why do we say the Bible condemns it?”

That is such a ludicrous question, that it’s hard to believe that an intelligent and educated person could ask it. The absence of the word “homosexuality” makes no difference, when the thing which that word indicates is clearly expressed in clear words (both in the “Torah” and in the “New Testament”). The Bible is not condemning a word, but a thing. Leviticus 18:22 – You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 – If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them. Romans 1:26 and 27 – For this reason [that they “worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator”] God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.

Using the same argumentation, one could claim that the Bible does not condemn “bestiality” because that word does not even occur in the Bible. Yet Leviticus 18:23 says And you shall not lie with any beast and defile yourself with it, neither shall any woman give herself to a beast to lie with it; it is perversion. The word itself is absent, but the ‘thing’ is present and condemned.

Adam Phillips does in fact realize that condemnation of the ‘thing’ itself may be present even if it is not mentioned by ‘name’; so he devotes a good portion of the argument seeking to explain how such explicit statements of condemnation for homosexuality do not really mean what they ‘seem’ to say. In reality, he simply asserts that those verses “have nothing to do with homosexuality” without dealing with the actual wording of the statements.

For instance, concerning the verses in Leviticus, he approvingly quotes someone else as saying: “This is not a verse about homosexual love, or being gay. This command is there with all kinds of connotations of adultery, promiscuity, and idol worship from the surrounding nations.” So because there are prohibitions of other things also within the contexts of the Leviticus verses, we can somehow pretend that a man lying with another man as with a woman has nothing to do with homosexual sex??? What kind of reasoning is that?

The Leviticus passages claim to be forbidding the “Israelites” to do certain things which the nations around them do; and homosexual sex is one of those things (as well as sex with animals, heterosexual adultery, sex with a woman while she is in her menstrual period, and idolatry). The very act of homosexual sex is itself forbidden; it simply doesn’t matter whether the homosexual couple claims to desire to have a ‘committed, loving’ relationship. When the act of sex itself is forbidden, the continuing ‘committed’ relationship is also obviously forbidden.

The Torah (Leviticus) only forbids male homosexuality, though; for whatever reason female homosexuality is not mentioned (although females having sex with animals is forbidden). I have been told that the Talmud runs with that and maintains that female homosexuality is perfectly legitimate, because only male homosexuality is specifically forbidden. The Christian ‘apostle’ Paul corrected that oversight in Romans 1, though, where he castigated both male and female ‘unnatural’ acts of homosexuality.

The problem is not that the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality – it most certainly does. The problem is a dishonest and lying “Christian” who doesn’t want to accept and obey the Biblical prohibitions, but still wants to convince himself that he is being ‘serious’ about the Bible and accepts its supposed ‘authority’. He agrees with the prohibition against sex with animals, so he feels no need to explain away that prohibition. But he doesn’t agree with the Biblical statements about homosexual sex, so he performs amazing acts of mental contortion to deny that those statements mean what they plainly say. Really, for him the simple assertion that “this has nothing to do with homosexuality” is sufficient; and he can’t understand why other people can’t see that.

The second sentence of Mr. Phillips’ article says this: “Billy Graham’s son is terrified that President Obama and a whole host of us have chucked out our Bibles in order to support marriage equality.” Well, in practice that is precisely what such “Christians” have done (“chucked out our Bibles”); and they ought to have the courage to openly acknowledge the fact instead of trying to hide in dishonesty. Adam and other “Christians” of like mind openly proclaim that they feel no need to practice certain other ‘Biblical’ requirements (thus ‘chucking out their Bibles’ in regard to those ‘laws’); why can’t they just say “yes the Bible does say that homosexuality is a major sin, and worthy of capital punishment; but we don’t give a hoot what the Bible says about it. We consider that ‘outdated’ at best.”

They certainly do this with other things. For instance, in the section dealing with the Leviticus prohibitions, the final paragraph (apparently still approvingly quoting someone else) says: “And if we want to get all Levitical about it, the same laws dictate that shellfish cannot be eaten (there goes Boston clam chowder and Willapa Bay oysters), mixed fabric garments cannot be worn (I guess I need to burn my Portland Timbers jersey), and sex with animals is strictly forbidden (yep, I totally agree).”

There are very few “Christians” today who accept Jesus’ strict teachings about divorce – that divorce is absolutely sinful except in the case of ‘fornication’. Those who divorce, and those who marry divorced people, are guilty of the heinous sin of ‘adultery’.

The Roman Catholic Church, I believe, still pretends to take a strong stance against divorce; but with casuistry worthy of the Jewish Talmudists, they get around it by ‘annulment’ of marriages. Instead of granting a ‘divorce’ to married couples, they just declare that the marriage was invalid from the beginning. Logically, of course, this annulment means that the couple was living in ‘fornication’ during their ‘invalid’ marriage, and any children they have are ‘bastards’. I’m sure they have some ingenious way to avoid that logical conclusion, however.

I’m not going to get into the other passages which Mr. Phillips explains away. The passages produced in Leviticus and Romans are so clear that it doesn’t matter whether the Biblical myth of Lot in Sodom is actually dealing primarily with homosexuality; or whether a couple of Greek words in the New Testament actually refer to homosexuality. While I don’t buy Adam’s explanations, I’ll let him go with them for the sake of the argument. As I said, the other passages are so clear as to not leave any doubt that the Bible explicitly condemns male/male and female/female sex, even though it doesn’t use the word ‘homosexual’ or ‘homosexuality’.

The point of my article is not to defend Biblical injunctions; I hope that is obvious. As I said in my last article: “For an ‘infidel’ such as me, though – who believes that the Bible is at best the teachings of men, and in fact much of it is more worthy of being labeled “doctrines of demons” than “the word of God” – the fact that the Bible teaches something is not at all a favorable recommendation for that teaching.” My point is that one needs to be honest with him/herself and others. Don’t be dishonest about what the Bible teaches in order to defend your own position; acknowledge what the Bible says, and have the courage to say you simply don’t care what it teaches (like I do). Why should anyone accept something just because some Jewish or Christian writers fraudulently put forward their beliefs as being “the Word of God”? We ought to just laugh at their presumption and would-be tyranny, and go on our way.


  1. So eating shellfish is also an abomination?
    Mixed fibres?

    • Andhrew Throup – According to the Bible (‘Old Testament’) shellfish and mixed fibers are abominable; and that is my point. While one may legitimately disagree with that idea, it would nevertheless be either ignorant or dishonest to affirm that the Bible does not teach that they are abominable.

      There’s a difference, however, between the Bible’s position on diet and its position on homosexuality. The Christian ‘New Testament’ explicitly repudiates those ‘Old Testament’ “touch not, taste not, handle not” dietary laws; but it equally explicitly affirms the law against homosexuality. So for whatever reason the (allegedly) same God gives commandments concerning “unclean” and “abominable” foods in the ‘Old Testament’ while repudiating those laws concerning ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’ foods in the ‘New Testament’, it’s a fact that Christians can legitimately emphasize. But it’s dishonest to say that the ‘New Testament’ disavows the condemnation of homosexuality, because it just as explicitly condemns it as it explicitly affirms that all foods are ‘clean’.

      I am not a ‘Bible believer’, so I simply don’t care what the Bible condemns or allows. I just abhor the dishonesty of those who say the Bible doesn’t condemn something which it most assuredly does condemn. If they want to embrace homosexuality as legitimate, they should have the honesty to openly reject the Bible (at least as having infallible authority). Affirm the right to ‘pick and choose’ what Biblical teachings you will accept, but don’t deny that it teaches something just because you don’t like the teaching.

  2. I’m happy you’ve addressed this matter. I had recently read the same Huffpo article, and found it unconvincing. But I couldn’t have written this kind of rebuttal.

    Of course there are Muslims who do exactly the same thing. They try to say the story of Lot is about rape rather than homosexual behavior, which is equally absurd.

    I think at some point, it is best to simply admit you’ve divorced your religion from its doctrine and leave it at that. There are Christians who have done exactly that, distilling their faith as Mark 12:30-31:

    30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”

    That’s it, they say, and the rest is commentary. If someone challenges their doctrine, they just skip the elaborate apologetics and point back to this summary version. Much cleaner.

    I do think calling parts of the Bible “doctrines of demons” is too harsh. Otherwise, great article.

    • Lenna – I definitely appreciate hearing from you. I didn’t go into the Lot story in the article, as I believe that it is possible to read the Biblical account as being directed at homosexual rape – so I was willing to give that argument to the “Christian” pastor.

      However, if I remember correctly my reading of the Qur’an, there are some differences in its account (different from the Bible, that is) that make it clear that it is not just homosexual rape to which it refers, but rather all homosexual sex.

      I can appreciate your hesitation about the expression “doctrines of demons” with reference to certain portions of the Bible; yet I myself find that expression quite appropriate – especially for the “Old Testament”. I can’t find a more appropriate expression for the commandments to murder, genocide, sexual slavery (and slavery in general), its teaching that God shows favoritism (the Jews are his ‘chosen people’ above all the other nations, and all the gentiles must eventually be slaves to the Jews), etc. The “Christian” doctrines of original sin and eternal hellfire also rightly deserve that description – though the “New Testament” writings are quite capable of being interpreted in other ways which don’t teach that kind of thing. (For instance, the “fire of hell” can be seen as a metaphorical description of the purging process of ‘karma’, not unending future agony. The same could be said for the “hellfire” taught in the Qur’an).

      The “New Testament” never repudiates slavery; instead, it commands slaves to be obedient to their masters (while exhorting masters to treat their slaves kindly). The Qur’an does allow for slavery also; but at least it frequently says that it is much better to give slaves their freedom and actually makes provision for freeing slaves.

      Altogether, I still find the Qur’an a much better ‘Scripture’ than the Bible – although if one insists on interpreting its many references to “hellfire” with any degree of literalness, I would repudiate it with the same “doctrines of demons” label.

  3. It does not matter what the bible says about homosexuality, adultery, bestiality or working on the Sabbath. Judges, lawyers and legislators must make laws and decisions regarding those laws based on our constitution NOT on the bible or other religious book.

    • “recklessmaverick” – So true. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Without going into the massive subject of the challenges of translation (I refuse. This is a comment, not a book.), there are as many interpretations of the meanings of the words of scripture as there are sects of Christianity. There’s a whole continuum of small demarcations between ultra-orthodox and radically inclusive churches. Whole schisms have happened over tiny perceived differences in what the Bible says. The core problem to me is that the various books of the Bible are written using simple words that, when placed in sentences and read in full context, remain highly ambiguous in meaning.

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